Want to learn German, for free? Check out our online beginners’ German course. German Grammar 105 – irregular verb – to have – haben.
Most verbs in German are regular, but “haben“ (to have) is one of the irregular verbs. As a very important verb you will use it a lot.
Conjugation of “haben“
ich habe – I have
du hast – you have
er / sie / es hat – he / she / it has
wir haben – we have
ihr habt – you have (informal, plural)
sie haben – they have
Sie haben – you have (formal, singular and plural)
Ich habe keine Zeit.
I don’t have time.
Sie hat einen Bruder.
She has a brother.
Wir haben viel Arbeit.
We have a lot of work.
Haben Sie ein Auto?
Do you have a car?
Du hast einen schönen Hund.
You have a beautiful dog.
Er hat eine neue Uhr.
He has a new watch.
It is also used to form tenses just like English uses “to have“. For example:
Ich habe gearbeitet.
I have worked.